Features of GWATCH

  1. Unabridged Data Table*
  2. Manhattan Plots for each Association Test across all SNPs
  3. SNAPSHOTS of SNP rest results in a chromosome region of SNP chromosome coordinates, MAF**, P-value Plus QAS***
    • 2D Heat Plot Snapshot illustrating P-values and QAS of any selected chromosome region
    • 3D checkerboard Plot Snapshot illustrating P-values and QAS of selected chromosome region
    • LD polarized 3D Checkerboard Snapshot illustrating P-values and QAS of any selected chromosome region
    • Dynamic Highway View by Chromosome Browser illustrating P-value and QAS
  4. TRAX Reports:
    • TRAX Summary page–one page graphic summary of QAS, P-values values for a selected SNP
    • TRAX analysis report- Full graphs, curves, tables and statistics for  all association tests for one selected SNP
  5. Top association hits
    • ranked -log P-value
    • ranked QAS**
    • ranked Density of -log P-value within a SNP genomic region

*TABLE - Unabridged Data Table of P-values vs. QAS for all SNPs genotyped
**MAF - minor allele frequency 
***QAS - Quantitative Association Statistic (OR, RH, EZ2 depending on Tests)